Alright so we felt like trying some veggie food experiment, and all we had to work with was zucchini, potato, broccoli, cabbage and mushrooms. Quite honestly it wasn’t set out to be a veggie experiment actually, but we didn’t have any meat – so here is what we did.
First, peel and grate both the potatoes and zucchini. Then we sautéed some fennel, onions, and garlic with some grapeseed oil and finished with a squeeze of orange juice and a bunch of chopped cilantro. Let that cool and then mix with the potatoes+zucchini and add one egg plus some seasoning (salt, pepper, etc.). To cook, coat with flour and shallow fry. So that’s the patty/cutlet/fritter whatever, wait until the end to make those by the way.
Next, steam some broccoli, sauté a few mushrooms and make a cabbage salad. Steamed broccoli is teamed broccoli, and a cabbage salad is simply finely chopped cabage with some type of herb vinaigrette. The mushrooms require a garlic butter that you make by simply blending fresh garlic and butter. Cook the mushrooms on high heat and add small amounts of the butter at a time throughout the cooking process.
The sauce is quite easy, since it’s more of a dressing than a sauce. In a blender, combine oil, orange juice, sundried tomaotes and dijon mustard until fluid and season with salt and white pepper.
Put all of these components on a plate with some type of sloppy direction (organized sloppy that is) and serve with a glass of ice cold pomegranate juice.
Recipe and Photo graciously provided by-Nonee Alexandra of K12. Nonee is neither a cook nor a chef. But she likes to experiment with food, and that’s all that matters.