K12 Presents: Cocktails in the Garden
Michael Kay
For those of you who live in SoCal, you know that May is the gateway month to the drug we call “Summer”. It’s something we all fiend for after the sobriety of winter sets in. We were looking forward to the sun and sand, but we were definitely excited about this Spring’s Dermalogica Corporate international rep party.
Last year’s Lady Gaga inspired event was a total rager and inspired the rest of our summer with eccentricity and bold inspiration.
This year we tried something different. Something that suggested a more laid back approach to what this summer was going to be all about. The perfect day to hang out in the garden and kick back with good food, good drinks, and, most importantly, a good team of friends and human beings. We think this is the true formula to happiness. Enough of any of those three things could only mean laughter and good energy flowing even after the party ends. We will always be looking forward to next May to work with the lovely folks at Dermalogica because of this.
Instead of taking summer by storm, we decided we would take a stroll through the garden and have a glass of wine with it.